Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How to use Respondus Lockdown Browser for a Test in Blackboard

Respondus LockDown Browser is a tool that locks down the testing environment within Blackboard to prevent students from browsing to other sites during an exam.  There is more information on the features of LockDown Browser here:  http://www.respondus.com/products/lockdown.shtml

To require the use of Respondus Lockdown Browser for an existing Test in your Blackboard course:

1.  First make sure you have created a Test under Course Tools > Tests, Surveys, and Pools.  After you have an existing Test in place, you can require the students to have Lockdown Browser in order to take the test.

2.  Click the Course Tools > Respondus Lockdown Browser link on the left side of your course.

3.  Locate the Test you want to lock down, click the drop-down menu icon to the left of the test name, then select "Modify Settings"

4.  Select "Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam".  You may optionally require a password that the students will need to know in order to take the test (you must distribute the password to the students via your preferred method).

Click Save and Close (on the right)

5.  In order to take the test, the students will first need to download and install the Respondus Lockdown Browser client on their computers.  Students may download the client via this link:

After downloading and installing the LockDown Browser client, students should navigate to your exam in Blackboard and click on the link to take the test as they normally would.

For more information:

Click for Instructor Quickstart Guide

Click for Student Quickstart Guide


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